April 24, 2023

Install Gasby Server — Self-hosted with managed accounts

This guide will walk you through how to install Gasby Server, manage user accounts and for users to use Gasby Chat User Interface.


1. Prerequisite

  • A server/VPS (recommend Linux/Ubuntu)
  • A domain name (optional, ie yoursite.com)
  • An email account with STMP access (for sending login link)
  • Nodejs (recommend v16+), NPM or YARN installed

2. For Admins

2.1. Setup

  1. Download and unzip the file
  2. Duplicate env.example, then rename it to .env
  3. Update your details in the .env file
  4. Install dependencies (yarn or npm install)

2.2. Install

  1. Initiate database: npx prisma migrate dev --name init
  2. Start the server: yarn start or npm run start
  3. Go to yoursite.com/admin/setup to set up your application

2.3. Login

  1. Go to yoursite.com/admin/login
  2. Enter your email, and click "Submit". An email will be sent with the Login Link
  3. Open your email, and click on this Login Link to log in.

2.4. Logout

Go to yoursite.com/logout

2.5. Create user

  1. Go to yoursite.com/admin/users, select "New user"
  2. Enter user details
  3. Click Create to add a user and activate their account

3. For Users

Users need to have an account created by the admin in the Create user steps mentioned above.

3.1. Login

  1. Go to yoursite.com/login
  2. Enter your email, and click "Submit". An email will be sent with the Login Link
  3. Open your email, and click on this Login Link to log in.

3.2. Logout

Go to yoursite.com/logout

3.3. Use Gasby Chat UI

After logging in, you can use Gasby at yoursite.com

Please contact hieunc@thegums.co in case you have any feedback or questions.

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